Upload collections

UPDATE: Now that login has been enabled, it is necessary to send an API KEY when submitting changes. Just add api_key=MYAPIKEY to your requests. You can find your API key on your user page on bibsoup.net, e.g. /account/username. More info on user login: .

Once you have a BibServer to access, you can create records by uploading your collection via the upload interface.

So far, we have parsers that convert from bibtex and csv into bibjson, or we can accept bibjson directly.

To upload via the form, go to the “upload” page of the BibServer instance you want to upload to – for example, at . Provide the URL of your file, and a collection name. If the format cannot be automatically detected, set it when asked. If you want to upload a file from your local computer instead of from an internet URL, then follow the instructions to upload a file instead.

Alternatively, you can upload directly via the URL, passing the necessary parameters as values. For example:

* http://bibsoup.net/upload?source=http://MYUPLOAD.com/filename.bib&format=MYFORMAT&collection=MYCOLLECTION&api_key=MYAPIKEY

Will upload a file directly to the named collection. If not provided, format defaults to bibtex and collection name defaults to a sanitised version of the URL you are uploading from.

Refreshing a collection is exactly the same – just resend it to the upload URL.

If you or someone you know is running an instance of BibServer for you, you can also upload directly to your own instance via the command line. More details about that are available in the README file in the software repository.